Etienne Balibar, Sandro Mezzadra, Frieder Otto Wolf: The Brussels Dictat: And What Followed

Does the unjust and forced ‘agreement’ between the Greek government (now facing the task of ratifying the agreement in the Vouli) and the other states in the European Union (not all of whom feel the necessity for such a sanction) mark the end of one era and the beginning of another? More

By Nikos Sverkos: Secrets of Brussels Media Machine

In politics, whoever can better influence the international media to push Forward their views has the upper hand, say political communications insiders. And this isn’t just the case during election campaigns: in the European Union, decision-making power depends not only on the size of a given player’s economy, but also on how it deals with international media.  Continue reading By Nikos Sverkos: Secrets of Brussels Media Machine

Prediction and Explanation in Political Action: Scenarios and Political Strategies

The aim of this starting post is

  • to explain the notion of a scenario as a reflection of a really existing contradiction/s which could be developed and/or solved in different ways depending on the real constellation of political forces;
  • to illustrate that a scenario in the second sense is also derived from special theoretical orientations, which are more or less directly connected with social and political interests
  • to show that the work on scenarios is very closely related to the work on political strategies and on every-day-policy.

Continue reading Prediction and Explanation in Political Action: Scenarios and Political Strategies